
Nhopkg's community has a long option list to get and contribute information about Nhopkg. The best way to help other users is to write user docs, manuals and tutorials about Nhopkg and its use.

Where are the community?

Nhopkg's community are in forums.

IRC Channel: You can chat with the community in the IRC Channel. #nhopkg at

Project Mailing Lists: This is the best way to discuss about Nhopkg development. Nhopkg Development Mailing Lists.

Forums: Here you can get answers about your problems with Nhopkg. Please use the correcto forum to ask your questions. Nhopkg Forums. If you prefer you can use the spanish forums at Nhopkg Spanish Forums.

Tracker: In the tracker you can report bugs, patches and request new features. Nhopkg Tracker.

Screenshots: Some screenshots are avaliable at Nhopkg Screenshots.

If you want to contact the creator of Nhopkg personally, write me to jaimegildesagredo_at_gmail_dot_com (I hate SPAM).


You can help Nhopkg placing banners and logos in your blog, website or other web pages profiles, like forums.

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